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Thoroughly enjoyed

I feel this gives a great insight and also gives tips on how to manage as well as suggesting apps to assist with the road to recovery. As a sufferer with depression, it is not always easy to identify. This course gives you an idea of what to look out for, not just in yourself but others too. Welldone to the team that worked and delivered this.

Well explained and laid out

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very good

It was really interesting and beneficial course. I enjoyed it. Very good idea to have a short video in one topic.

Very interesting

Very interesting learnt a lot whilst completing this course

Very Informative

Very Informative


Wow! I am impressed by the content, the resources, the presentations and the graphics. Thank you!

Good content, shame about the delivery

The content and animations are great but the actors are very formal – might have been better having an expert in the field to talk.

I found it interesting and informative a

I found it interesting and informative and I really liked the animation.

Good mix of talking heads and animation

An enjoyable course – not too long and extremely positive with a lack of negativity and condemnation. Well presented: 2 talking heads mean that the interest is kept throughout the course. Good animation when required and things are explained and unhurried.

Too slow to work through

The slides could be combined so that you don't have to click through constantly. Content fine but rather repetitive. Could convey the same in less time.