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Clear concise and easy to understand

Clear concise and easy to understand. Certainly cleared up any grey areas of what is or isn't Sexual harassment in the work place, highly recommended the investment of 30 mins for all colleagues.

Every day is a school day 😉

Course did what it set out to do – remove the grey areas around the subject matter. I'm now clear on the meaning / actions involving sexual harassment and what to do when it happens or is seen in the workplace.


It's very helpful, knowing what to do in times like this.


Explained very well the meaning, examples and scenarios of Sexual Harassment if occurred in workplace and what to do or how to deal with it.

Rather trivial and pointless

The sexual harassment training is somewhat trivial and superficial. It's difficult to imagine many people will achieve any significant learning through this course and therefore it reinforces the feeling that this is a box-ticking exercise rather than real training.

Professional information.

Very important to learn the module as this type of harassment takes place in many work places.

Concise info combined with examples

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Effective contents delivered well.

The contents is very relevant and effective. The way of delivering key messages are concise and clear. Video plus slide bullet points recap is very helpful. Testing in the end is effective reinforcement too. Love the fact that there are options of many languages for choice and convenience. The interface is very user-friendly too.

Informative and to the point

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

not up to standards & in parts dangerous

Working with people on sexual-violence prevention my self, this course differs too much from what up to date guidelines advice. The strong focus on the victims "right behavior & response" is borderline victim-blaming and in parts dangerous. I am especially concerned with chapter 3. 6 out of 9 sub-chapters are directed to "the right confrontation or what one-self should do". In parts dangerous I'd rate Chapter 2.1 (slide 21) as evidence shows, that (potential) perpetrators are more prone to physical assaults once they have shown willingness to invade the personal space of someone against there apparent will. Guidelines advice to 1.) bring considerably distance between the offender and oneself, 2.) attract attention of bystanders or leave the isolated area 3.) get help/ advice from an professional uninvolved pary to be able to reflektieren ones one feelings and experiences and to make an inf