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Terrible training
This was too obvious and wasn't helpful in the slightest. The scenarios were incredibly obvious and I would question if there would be anyone who would fail the test at the end. I don't think it dealt with the subtleties of sexual harassment enough and therefore, not really productive.
Very clear presentation
Covered all of the main issues and made it clear what was and was not appropriate behaviour
Clear, concise, easy to understand
Course layout was excellent. The presentation was clear & flowed throughout. I now have a clear understanding of the subject.
Informative and concise
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
all good
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
informative, covers both gender
Very helpful. However, it is necessary to clarify that when both parties give consent, when one has power over the other, this constitutes abuse of power. Relationships are complex and difficult to last. At work there is politics, fighting over promotion which would make a romantic relationship even more complicated. Dignity of work, walking in with no feelings of remorse, anger etc is vital and in my opinion every corporation should be making adjustments in their policies for romantic relationships at work. Peers may also not be peers in the future, or, a subordinate might improve more taking over more responsibilities which will place restrictions / hesitations for leadership to decide on how balance is maintained. Also, there is an image representation indicating which parts of our body can not be touched as this is considered as sexual harassment (waist, shoulders etc). I can not locate it and if iHASCO has a c
was very enlightening
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
good info
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Good information
Always good to keep ahead of these things.