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Great learning materials
Great course materials that reinforced the key learning points via the test
Effective training
Slick, informative training that has a real impact.
It's been a long time since I've done a test like this and it was challenging . Admittedly I had to watch the training video a few times before it sunk in .After a few failures I passed the exam. It was a very interesting course .
Very good 5
Opened my eyes as didnt know much about all of it very helpfull
The videos were clear and informative
Excellent tips for keeping safe
Clear english, excellent information which I found very interesting on the different types of fires and the way the extinguish them.
Enjoyed the way this was presented and is very relevant to know the information both in work and at home.
Very informative
Informative and understandable.
Keeps you aware of actions to be taken
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Clear and easy to follow
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars