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Good informative course
Made we aware of diversity within the workplace.
Very informative
A comprehensive course that required the attention this sector of the workplace truly deserves
More interactivity
I found this useful and interesting but felt more questions could be asked in between segments to break up the speaker and test knowledge earlier on.
Wide-ranging and useful…
This course was a comprehensive and thought-provoking account of modern Equality and Diversity issues in relation to the workplace, which should be useful to those who need to navigate such issues more effectively…
Everything was explained well, very info
Good course for refreshing your mind about equality and diversity
Excellent learning platform
I am happy to be part of this….it is clear and straight to the point…its quite understanding. I enjoyed every bit of it.
I liked the concept of considering your
This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars
easy to understand
excellent course
It is good, however as an employer it means I need to think about putting an equality & diversity policy in place as well as an anti racism strategy and statement of intent in place before I can release to our employees
Interesting, Engaging, & informative
I found this training both informative and interesting, and found the 'mini' tests & 'summary' along during the training, very helpful.