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Very good

It is nice to see that this training is included. People should be judged by merit, not by who they chose to be.

Made me think about bullying at some job

Makes you open your eyes to what your not accustom too..

Great course

I enjoyed doing it but I would have liked the opportunity to do it again so I got 100%

It gave me a better insight to equality

The whole course was simple and easy to understand, it highlighted many issues that arise within organisations and gave a good insight how equality and discrimination within the work place can be addressed.

Good informative course

Good content found some of the more difficult subjects such as grievance and gender change very informative. I hadnt expected it to take so long but it did allow me to come and go in the training as it was a busy morning. I didnt have to keep logging in so that was a big positive. Enjoyed the learning and scored 95% so I obviously took in the content of the course Thankyou

Rather long.

Some of the content could have been condensed, as I felt some of it was obvious. I also couldn't help but notice that in Group discussion scenarios, most of the employees sat round the table were all very young, so where is their portrayed diversity, given that people now work till later in life?! Always good to be reminded and challenged though.

Clear and concise

Respect and culture emphasised in a practical way. Stimulated thoughts and ideas

the teaching was excellent..

I found the teaching very useful and comprehensive there were some of the issues I have not really taken much notice and it was so helpful to refresh a lot of the important points which will help me immensely in my field of work.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

A bit too much to take in

This user gave this course a rating of 3/5 stars