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Too long

Course was too long with too many figures and equations to take on board in one session.

Easy to follow

Course was short but informative and a excellent method to refresh yourself mind.

Excellent videos and transcripts

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

i found the course very help full

course was well set out allowing you time to review the various sections

Informative but missing smart motorways

The content was informative and interesting. However, I felt that the section on Motorways was missing information on Smart Motorways where the hard shoulder may not exist. It might be worth adding guidance on what to do in the event of an accident/breakdown occurring on such a motorway.

very detailed

Pleased to have taken part

Instructive and straightforward

Keep the courses as they are,no nonsense and to the point.At my age it’s what’s required.

This is a good refresher course

The course refreshes my knowledge

Very clear

A well-delivered course which served as a good reminder of driver awareness. Thank you


Great refresher as always. A real life video maybe worthwhile to drive home the real dangers of potential accidents. Less experienced drivers may benefit from this.