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Concise but thorough
Great training video. Covered everything you'd need to know in a fairly interesting way. As there is a test at the end, it might be an idea to suggest Students make notes.
One of the best of it's type
It would be good to bespoke slightly to exclude commercial vehicle sections which are not relevant to PM PROjEN. Suggest there could be more content on motorway driving including smart motorways. We could include more direct references to actual company policy via bespoke edit.
Very good as a refresher to safe driving
Could improve with the introduction of video clips to break up the presentation.
Misleading questions in the test
one question was if I have an accident in a work vehicle who fault is it mine or mine and company. I put mine . Any accident I would have is my fault. Not the companies. Your was answer mine and the company. How can it be the company fault if I had the accident.
Very good course, well set out and easy
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
very informative and well presented.
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
very straight forward and very informative
You learn something everyday
Good to refresh and learn any new rules.
Good Reminder
Should all be common sense really but a good test of knowledge
short and simple and covered all parts
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars