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really educative and not boring

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Very good

I enjoyed the delivery – the mix of talking and video with the summary at the end. This helped to keep my interest and attention. Thank you.

Informative course

I am now fully aware of who to inform of problems that I come across and how to deal with them


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Easily understood.

I thought the structure of the test overall was very straight forward as all sections of the test were individually laid out with all resources readily available for study.Ample time was given for each section and each question was not too overwhelming.

Good reminder

I complete this every year. Although a lot of this is common sense it is always good to be reminded.



Very informative

Not bad just a little bit simple was getting bored with it


i have a better understanding on the subject than before<

Clear and concise

The woman with long hair was a bad example. She was climbing a ladder with her long hair around her hands. I would expect that hair tied back for safety.