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Excellent course, easy to follow
The course was easy to understand and very well presented. I have completed many similar courses previously but thought this one highlighted more examples of where accidents could occur and how to use equipment correctly, in a very clear manner.
Yeah very good easy to understand and very informative
Yeah I thought it was easy to understand and very informative
Easy to follow and complete
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
This was a really good course learning how to avoid falling over in a workplace and to clean any spills as quick as you can before someone else gets hurt. Also learning about ladders was also great because i never use them propley and this course helped me understand how to use them correctly.
Being aware of your surrounding
Good advice but most of this is common sense but we all know that some people lack in common sense sometimes and posters and stickers on the walls and floors are a good reminder.
This course gives lots of knowledge abou
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
A helpful reminder of what can happen about the workplace and at home! Its everyone responsibility to watch out for potential hazards and act on it and not to leave for some one else unless the hazard needs a trained and competent person.
Very good
I did enjoy to do it in my time and I like the fact you can rewind back if I don’t understand something.
Great animations and facts
Points are explained and detailed in a way that is easy to remember and recall.