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Very informative. Easy to follow.
Covered all the must know aspects of safeguarding in a clear and concise way.
Good course
Good course with lots of content, not repetitive.
Very clear, concise and well presented.
The course has a series of professionally produced videos supported by detailed information and important documentation. This is by far the best online certificate training that I have taken.
Good clear advice
Good videos great advice and clear explanations
Brilliant to help keep knowledge up to date.
More interaction
The course was very informative and contained new information I hadn't come across before. There is a lot to watch and a few more questions in between would break it up a bit. I did lose sound several times and the video would freeze, I found pausing for a bit helped.
Good explanations and signposting
Really informative with good links for further support/help/guidance
I found some of the content interesting and valuable to know and also learnt about breast ironing which I have never come across before
Very informative and engaging
Use of videos with very clear explanations, summary slides, and additional resources at the side was incredibly helpful. Frequent questions throughout each section kept me engaged. The long list concerning each type of abuse was very saddening but necessary.