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very helpful


Patronising Patronising Patronising

Patronising Patronising Patronising. Why do I have to do the whole course again if i missed a small part? Felt like I had my arm twisted. Nothing in this course that's new.

Very Educational

The topics that where discussed in the training are factual and they provide good theory's to resolving mental health issues.

Very comprehensive

Well produced broad coverage of mental heath issues and coping mechanisms.

Opens Your Eyes On This Difficult Issue!

Good Training Module.

Very easy to understand, informative

Really interesting and informative course, in bite size pieces which gives an excellent awareness of mental health and tips in how to deal with it.

Educational and needed

Good and thorough course, breaking down the issues to address and encouraging your own action to talk and discuss. Very useful tips to apply.

Very good

Very informative, I think it affects a lot of us, especially with our work loads

Very comprehensive and informative.

Useful for all staff to undertake this course

Basic but good

I thought the course might concentrate a bit more on the construction industry but it was a good basic course.