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Succinct and actually helps you learn.

The videos are full of important messages , the summaries help remember the key points and is a very helpful and enjoyable course at the same time.

Some questions could have 2 answers.

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

Very good


Amazing course

Thisis an amazing course broken down into simple steps and the videos were really useful in helping people understand It with very easy to follow guides. I love the recapping so that we fully understand what is being said. It is easy to understand and a clear presentation on how to do it.

Very easy to understand

I was required to do these courses and am really pleased at how easy it was. As a woman of 53 and a long time since I Had to do tests I was really pleased at hoe easy these were

I found this course very helpful.

I found time on this course was time well spent. It was practical and helpful. Would certainly recommend it to ALL. Canon Frank Moran (Group 22 chaplain.)

Very informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

very useful course

The Manual Handling Course is very useful and more helpful for offshore operators Manual handling is part of our life.. Without manual handling, it is very hard to survive in our daily personal activities and work-related activities. If the weight of the cargo to be carried manually has become heavy, manual handling technique comes in place. by knowing the safe handling technique, we can keep our body in good condition. It is also a kind of exercise or art to our body during working hours. Once the person knows "LITE' technique, he can well survive in his all activities than others. we can avoid hurting our body and spending money and time to hospitals if we know safe lifting technique.Not only workers, like a normal person every one must understand our body mechanism and manual handling technique to keep our body system in good condition during our entire life time. Thanks a lot for giving a chance to go through this

Very clear instructions

Presented well Course leader spoke clearly Easy to follow and understand

Interesting & good to learn

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars