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A good comprehensive course

Clear, Concise and too the point. A very informative presentation that clearly states and informs on how to lift in a safe manner to lessen the risk of injury.

Very interesting

The course was very informative in dealing with manual handling, not only at the work place , but also at home. It is an eye opener as bad habits do develop everyday life.


useful for work and home

This is a very clear course

Great course! The modules move along at a smart pace that keeps ones attention whilst being informative.

Excellent very good

Excellent video, very educational and at long last a manual handling course that meets the legislative and legal requirements.

Very easy to follow and explained well

The course is very informative and makes you think about work and home. Easy to follow and informative enough without being to technical.


Amazing to be refreshed on things that are, or should be common sense . Well done !

A very good idea .

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Clear, concise and manageable.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars