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Interesting course

Very informative, easy to use website

a very useful course

This course provided new, up to date and useful information. The additional notes were helpful. Excellent ideas for professionals and families. Good guidelines and ideas. I hope similar courses would be available to community based organisations / groups such as churches where children and young people are taught about their religion and spiritual matters in Sunday schools, etc.

Very comprehensive though rather dull

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

very useful

I was pleased to do this course again,as school life and childrens needs are changing constantly,I feel there will always be a need to be reminded and alert to the dangers and problems in our midst.

Needs Updating

Training fine but now requires some updating to reflect KCSIE (Sept 2022)

Find course very easy and helpful

Online portal was very easy straight forward to answer quiz and complete the course .

Clear information and guidance

The course was easy to follow. It gave good general advice and links for further information.

Helpful guide around legislation.

The course was very detailed, inevitably with substantial repetition due to the overlaps there are between different types of abuse and similarities of approach to responses. Having the relevant documents in (and easily locatable within) all work areas or on working computer networks would support individuals who might need to refer back to it regularly following training.

A thorough coverage of safeguarding.

This course is through but ought to require a greater amount of interaction from the learner for it to be more engaging and for the learning to be applied to more situations.

Thank you…

Yep, good, clear, informative information. I just feel so sad – learning about what / what may happen in a young persons life. Thank you for the opportunity to use the knowledge to be vigilant & help to keep pupils safe.