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Detailed but repetitive
The training was similar to that covered in the Statutory and Mandatory training provided. Whilst it did tailor the sessions towards home working it was a large chuck out of my day to complete. The assessment also didn't give much opportunity to request additional equipment or provide the rationale.
Good course
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Well presented, friendly and relatable
Short sections of relatable content presented in a friendly, concise, inclusive manner.
The course is very informative.
The structure and the presentation is excellent. It is generally informative and ensure knowledge upgrade.
Very good. A reminder of how to protect
This video was a very good reminder of how to protect yourself in your own home working enviroment.
Well paced learning.
Well paced learning and relatively engaging.
Most of this is commom sense , however , it was useful to watch as a general reminder of what we should all be doing. Thank you.
very good
Easy to understand. Good visual examples. Speakers very clear and thorough. Just enough in 30 slides sufficient. Would be a good option to give you a retry of a question to ensure you get it right.
the course covered all the h&s risks
the course covered all the risks for home working very well