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Very informative and helpful.
A great module, I particularly liked the idea of the buddy system and will look to implement something in our workplace.
good information
good course
Course was too long
The course covered subjects you must already know. Trip hazards and where I should put my tea, verge on insulting – seems to be a course for a course‚Äôs sake. It is well presented – but just too long and unnecessary.
Useful in places but common sense
Useful in places, in others this was very strange eg telling us how to manage visitors in our home
Too long
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Good session
Good session
Very useful and enlightening.
A very comprehensive and informative course.
Great cause learnt and got reminded of e
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Repetitive with other training modules
This was very long and repetitive with other training modules taken, such as DSE training, fire training and health & safety training
Well presented
Really enjoyed the course. It was well presented as was the diagrams – made it easy to understand both verbally and visually.