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all good
all good
Very informative
It certainly makes you think of changes you should make even in your own kitchen
This course had improved my knowledge
I have obtained a lot of ideas in day- to-day knowledge in hygiene, this will enhanced my knowledge to work effectively and efficiently in your warehouse
Very interesting
Amazing course and very helpful
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
it covered all aspects of sfbb
It was a good course & made you refocus on food hygiene and was informative BUT i am disappointed i got a question wrong ! firstly because I knew it & because you are not going to believe …… I was sitting on the sofa doing it & my labrador jumped up to bark at the knock on the door & nudged my elbowwhich made me touch the screen on the answers !!!!! note to ones self sit at the table with no labrador cuddles haha.
Very interesting and informative
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Very interesting and informative
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Thanks for your training
Hi,it is very helpful to me for my further job .Their teaching was very easily to understand . Thank you