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Good knowledge and awareness

Provided clear knowledge and what is required.Really worth doing..I learnt a lot from tbis.


it is aimed at first aid managers and not first aiders

Informative course

Very informative. A good training course.

Comprehensive and clear summary

Good format …. key points all clear & well covered.

Question 15 is wrong.

All emergency first aiders are trained to treat anaphylaxis – this is an outdated question. Similarly one question asked is if the First Aid Appointed person should administer first aid in an EMERGENCY – the answer was no. Well this is wrong too. We are all taught to do something rather than nothing! Although England does not have the Good Samaritan Law as other European countries do have an unappointed first aider can attempt to give CPR in an emergency. In fact people have been commended for their actions for attempting to help. This is a cruel questions and one you should adjust or omit.

Easy to follow and good descriptions

We enjoy the iHASCO courses as they are well delivered, thorough and have different media to help support the message being conveyed. There is often extra info which is well worth looking at too.


I found this course to be very helpful

Very good

Found this course very informative and a good update about RIDDOR and first aid requirements that are available for different peoples abilities.

Great training

Clear and easy to use. I would recommend using the transcript as the audio drops quite frequently missing key words out


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars