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good refresher
Good overview and clear instructions
The training would have benefitted from some real world pictures and situations, and a more extensive session and test about types of fires and extinguishers.
Too much information on how to use fire extinguishers
Easy to follow
this was a refresher course and was very useful in reminding me of fire awareness. Everything was very well explained and the test made me really think of what I had learned
clear and concise
Easy to follow in bitesize junks of information. Good graphics demonstrate information clearly making it easier to understand and remember the information.
easy to acess, not too long
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Very informative
The course was clear, easy to follow & understand.
Informative and Relevant
I found the course engaging and correctly pace to be able to absorb the information.
very clear training
Easy to follow segments
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars