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A very good course
In summary a very good explanation of what to do in event of fire and more importantly what you can do to prevent it and keep yourself and your team mates safe. In terms of improvement I think it should explain you should only use fire fighting equipment if you are fully trained and part of the fire team, or as a last resort to clear an escape route.
This course is so informative and goes into great depth. The best fire awareness course I have completed.
Good and informational
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Very useful
The video training was presented really well and gave me the tools needed to complete the course. I would recommend this training course to others.
I learned a lot with this corse
It made me think of what I would do in the event of a fire, keeping low to the ground breathing through the nose all very easy things that could save a life.
easy, quick and to the point
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Easy to follow
Very, very clear presentation. Easier to take in and consolidate learning with tests
Too many short sections
Perfectly adequate for the purposes of making people aware of the hazards of fire
Quick & informative
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Very good
Very interesting