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A straightforward but attractive format that keeps you engaged by using video, written summaries and recap questions to help you to retain information,


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Was good

Some of the Programs needed to reset so I can finish it some questions on the test giving me some problems started to press but I didn’t want to press

Basic Information Reinforced!

I should know all this information…but I don't so it was useful awareness and reinforcement. Good length and easy to stall and return at any point.

Clear, concise and well presented

Clear, concise and well presented. The IT works well

Modern Course

This is modern learning system that allowed the learners to understand what he or she is doing

Easy to listen

This user gave this course a rating of 4/5 stars

Very good

Was good and very useful

The learning was clear and easy to follo

The learning was clear and easy to follow.

Interesting course

This course covered the essentials of Heath and Safety in an interesting and informative course.