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Learned a lot from this
Good course
This course makes you realise that everyone is equal in all walks off life
A very useful course for the workplace
OK but clearer explanations would improve it
There was terminology used throughout the training that is was assumed the viewer would know. Given the nature of the course it would have been better to explain some of these terms to make the explanations clearer.
clear explanations
as above
very clear and precise
Very clear and precise
Generally very good however the sexuality and pregnancy sections could be improved.
I have 3 areas that I feel could be improved. Firstly the main actors included in the presentation as the only perceivably diverse individual in the training was the Asian, female-presenting individual otherwise there were 3 able-bodied, white, cis male presenting individuals. The section on sexuality would be better presented after the excellent gender section as sexuality is not purely based on sex and is much more diverse than presented. In the pregnancy section there is a slide that states that pregnancy should be treated the same as any genuine illness, there is no need for the term genuine here.
An excellent positive course showing how we can create a better workplace for everybody
Overall, a very good course. Just the right length and realistic in how it takes time to change ourselves and society but we should still be trying to do so. My only criticism is that most of the questions in the test at the end had alternative answers that were so obviously wrong and therefore was not a true test of someone's understanding of the course.
It’s fine
It’s very funny
Easy to follow and informative
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
It's too long
Found it pointless.