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Enjoyed this, have learned a fair bit.
This has made me challenge my own thoughts and beliefs. The reframing exercise is great.
Clear and informative
A great course, perhaps a little more text would have been helpful in defining terms such as Discrimination and Harassment. I wonder if the terminology used may have made it a little tricky for some colleagues. The video images and action to take 60 seconds to think things through was very helpful. I clicked on one of the extra reading links when one section had ended buy sadly then had to restart the section over again – as you cant skip a section this was a little frustrating. I choose not to do any further reading after this for risk of repetition.
Course content
Why not invite participants to take the test first? Most of the course content is common sense
Good course
Very informative and did make.you think and reflect on your own life
Good course
Easy to understand well explained.
informative training
It was nice to have a refresher on this training.
A really solid course.
Great basic training on the subject, it's really good that the links to extra resources are provided for those who need to take a bit more time getting this right. I'm not sure that everyone who needs to would explore these though, possibly due to time pressures etc.
An important course to take when working
Really important course that many employee's would benefit from as the subject of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are regularly hitting the headlines for all the wrong reasons. This course allowed me an opportunity to see how these subjects should be highlighted and celebrated in the workplace.
Needs improving
Although this course starts well, as all the iHASCO training modules do, I felt very strongly that it is assumed that the audience were 'white/Christian/able-bodied'. This means that I found the course was at times triggering. I was particularly affronted at the 'Allyship' section, which seemed to encourage people to speak to their colleagues of colour and ask about their stories or how they could help. It's not my job to educate people on issues, people can do their own research. This went a little into 'white saviour' territory. The stats were also insulting 'hey ceo, embrace diversity because you'll increase productivity and make more money'. Happy to (please) discuss in more detail. Thanks
Lack of diversity
Really disappointing in EDI training to see the low representation of older people in workplace. Most (but not all) group shots included young/er people. As someone over the age of 45 this is so disappointing to rarely see myself represented in this training (this goes for the trainers doing to camera pieces also). In addition, why not use more disabled actors in the group shots? Plus given the number of overweight people in society why are there no plus size actors included? Again, for EDI training where there is a heightened awareness of these factors, I think the visuals (which used actors) attached to this training are very poor and exclusionary. Seems somewhat hypocritical and lessens the impact of the training.