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course was simple but clear and helpful.
Enlightening and Informative
It thoughtfully explains the impact we are having on our world.
The "Less is More" message is succinct
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
The "Less is More" message is succinct ^
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Great course, easy to follow.
The course has helped reinforce my thinking of environmental matters. Always good to put this in context. Thank you.
Global warming remains unproven 'theory'
Hello, In general; this course surly contains most valuable guidance and subject matter. One would hope that most humans would agree with the need to take good/better care of our finite living environment resources and life support systems. That said, contrary to some heavily disseminated propaganda; the 'theory' of 'global warming' remains (at the time of writing anyway) just that, a 'scientifically unproven 'theory'! As a once University lecturer; I must express the importance for training programs such as this to adhere only to factual content or at minimum, to ensure the student is made aware that some course content contains a degree of non factual theoretical opinion. Regards, Brian Pearson B.Sc.(hons) P.S. Recent climate data analytics appear to indicate that a we are now experiencing a global cooling period and some experts 'theorists' are even predicting a looming mini ice age. P.P.S. Please do note though that I did state 'theorists'.
An informative introduction
Within a short space of time I learnt issues around overt consumption of our natural resources and the damage it is causing. I will definitely reconsider my reuse/recycling techniques to the point where I will stop to consider what I am purchasing. Thank you
very informative
Hopefully people listen to the minimum effort and potential impact we can all create by individual changes.
Interesting well presented course
I did not complete it – it crashed part way through … which is annoying as if I have to repeat it is a duplication of time spent.
I thought I was green but apparently not
I believe everyone should do this course as it is informative and helpful.