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Good information

Comes across well.

Good and very interesting

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars


Good format, Informative

Concise and informative.

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Refresher of known material but useful

Beneficial to hear again

Really informative and though provoking

Good pace covered all the essentials. I found int to be really informative and enjoyed more than I thouht.

Very interesting course

A very good course, interesting and informative.

Far too long due to repetition

This user gave this course a rating of 2/5 stars

Generally very good but….

The term "Butterfly Effect" was repeatedly misused to cover any situation where making a small contribution would, if followed by the many, have a powerful effect. This is not what the term means nor where it originated. I found the incorrect usage of a real scientific principle distracting and fear that it is the type of unscientific simplification that gives ammunition to climate change deniers. Has the script been properly fact checked by a climate specialist??

Excellent reminder!

A very good reminder about environmental awareness and actions we can all take to reduce climate change, pollution and energy use.