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Excellent training, great do & donts
The training was very informative and some of the tips were great for Strong Passwords !
The online training I find it more effective as it prepare anyone using the online service to be more cautious of dangerous may occur. The slight concerns you may think to adjust in the future is the average time for learning and taking test. It' s always high the time
Very informative
Already done a similar course but it's always worth taking as a reminder, decent pace and informative.
Excellent course
An excellent course that informs and educates you about cyber threats and the precautions that you can take in order to protect yourself and your place of work.
Great information
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Updated Information
There was new security information I did not know about, and it was good to update myself in both private and work situations. Most of the information about two step authentication on all devices was helpful to protect myself and my workplace.
a very well constructed online course
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
to the point
Short topics that got right to the point in simple terms that could be understood. Great to pause and that a break was included
Lucid training providing important insight to Cyber Security
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars