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Good clear advice
Good clear descriptions that get you thinking in a different way.
generally useful.
Does not cover personal faith, i.e. how can I prove God exists. I need an explicit argument for that. Most answers would not be acceptable to – atheists – for example! If so I'd be converting everyone presumably!!
generallyuseful does not cover faith
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Glad to learn critical thinking
I felt that I have learnt a lots of Critical Thinking through the video with subtitles with BSL interpreter. Very useful information.
I have never done a course like this before
The course was easy to understand and n
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
We never have arguments or debates in the Test Department. Probably because we are too hard working through all the work-load, including all the amendments.
Good, comprehensive course easy to do.
This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars
Bit basic
Gives a basic overview of the subject order and should sit along side reflection/ reflective practice
Clearly presented
A helpful way to think about planning for a discussion.