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very good

very clearly explained

very informative

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Good training course

Helpful course there always areas to learn and remember in this business

Provided useful and up to date knowledge

This course is extremely useful as it covers topics such as money laundering to choosing a strong password as well as informing me when a bribe is made it is considered to be a bribe even if the other party has not accepted the offer as of yet.

Useful for business

The training was insightful that lets you know what happens if business compliance is not adhered too also telling you how you should deal with suspicious activity in the workplace. Also including information on how to deal with suspicions of modern slavery by contacting the authorities.

Good summary, but repetitive

This is a good summary course for many – but as I'd already completed the detailed causes on fraud and money laundering, there was a lot of repetition! From a user perspective it would be much better if true and false always stayed in the same position, avoiding mistakes in the test.


Alearning expierience some up in a few short clips gives knew knowledge into the word

good refresher

not having completed on line learning previously and being new to this business, I found the course refreshing as it reinstated what I thought was standard knowledge though greatly enhanced the little knowledge I did have

good refresher

not having completed on line learning previously and being new to this business, I found the course refreshing

Well demonstrated and precise

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars