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Good to refresh understanding of the definitions between bullying and harassment

Informative but not overwhelming

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

generally very good

My only observation is although a bullying and harassment risk assessment is not mandatory, as a RA for stress is, and stress is often caused by bullying or harassment, how can one legally avoid not doing both?

Great course

I really enjoyed the course thanks

Informative and annimated

Enjoyed the course. Delivery of information by staff was presented very well.

well presented course

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

To make

When work for organisations, we have a same goal to work towards which can only be achieved when we feel safe, confident and respected. This course is paramount in all staff wellbeing. Highly recommended

Course was easy to understand.

Interesting and straight forward.


good information

Very Informative

A well designed course with short video's, easy to recap. length of course well balanced and displayed.