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Very good course learnt a lot

Picked up on a few things , well worth watching

Enjoyable and refreshing

The course was good and refreshing on a very dangerous topic. The conclusion and emotional dangers came across very well, also well presented.

Great training video

Easy to undrstand learnt alot about asbestos which was a supprise to me !!

great information

these clips really do help to realise what is at risk. multi-answer questions are great courses too.

Great refresher course

This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Good grounding in the basics

I now have a much better knowledge of the types of asbestos, what it was used for and where it might be found – I previously had no idea its use was so wide spread. My one suggestion regarding improvement is to include a transcript for Christopher's story – the audio on my PC is poor and I couldn't hear him well.

A good awareness of asbestos

A good course, which makes you think & aware of the danger presented relating to asbestos.


This user gave this course a rating of 5/5 stars

Easy to use

Really good in reinforcing information from previous courses

Very good

Very good