Frequently asked questions
- What is DoLS?
- Why was DoLS introduced?
- Who can be cared for under DoLS?
- Why do I need to keep records?
- When can someone be deprived of their liberty?
- How do you authorise DoLS?
- Is their legislation for DoLS?
- What is safeguarding?
- I think a child is being abused, what do I do?
- What are the signs of abuse in a child?
- What is a safeguarding policy?
- Are any children that are more likely to be vulnerable?
- Why is safeguarding important?
- Do I need a DBS check?
- What is the difference between safeguarding and duty of care?
- What are the criteria for a vulnerable adult?
- What is a safeguarding adults policy?
- Is self-neglect a safeguarding issue?
- How do you know when emergency services are required?
- What different types of abuse are there?
- What is the deprivation of liberty safeguards?
- What is the difference between abuse and neglect?
Documents & other resources
White Papers/Guides
Safeguarding Adults – what you need to know
We’ve put together some top tips to help you make a good start with our friends over at Citation.
In partnership with
Standard 11 of the Care Certificate: Safeguarding Children
This double-sided worksheet has been designed to accompany our online Safeguarding Children training course.
Instant download