Fire Safety
Frequently asked questions
- What types of fire extinguisher are there?
- What different ways can fire spread?
- Who is responsible for fire safety in a business?
- Do I have to give fire safety training to my staff?
- How should I make people aware of where the fire assembly point is?
- How often should I test my fire alarm at work?
- Who should carry out fire safety risk assessments?
- How often should I do fire drills?
- Who do I tell if there is a fire?
- Is it illegal to set off a fire alarm when there is no fire?
- Does first aid training need to be approved by the HSE?
- How many first-aiders do I need?
- What should a first-aid box in the workplace contain?
- Do I need to record incidents requiring the attention of a first-aider?
- Can legal action be taken against first-aiders?
- Who is responsible for keeping the records?
Documents & other resources
Fire Safety Checklist
Fire is a threat to every business. Around 70% of businesses fail within 3 years of a major fire. Download our checklist today!
Fire Safety roles & responsibilities
This guide will focus on the statistics, business owner responsibilities, risk assessments, evacuations and more…
Fire Classifications Chart
This free printable PDF explains the different fire classifications including classes A, B, C, D, F and Electrical.
Fire Safety Awareness Poster
Here are some simple preventative tips to keep our business fire-safe…
Fire Safety considerations when returning to work in light of COVID-19
It's likely that there has been some changes to how you do business that will have a direct impact on your current fire safety measures.
When Should You Call the Fire Service
This free printable PDF gives clear guidance on the process which should be followed when calling the fire service.
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into force on the 1st of October 2006 and repeals and revokes all previous fire legislation in England and Wales.
AFFF Foam Fire Extinguishers
AFFF (Aqueous Film Forming Foam) fire extinguishers are ideal for any office environment.
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan for Schools
This form should be completed for anyone who requires assistance with any aspect of an emergency evacuation.
People at Risk in a Fire Emergency
The risk assessment must pay particular attention to people who may be particularly at risk in a fire situation. They could include…
Fire Extinguishers Chart
The extinguishers chart provides a simple look-up table reminding you which fire extinguisher is suitable for which class of fire.
Fire Classifications Chart
This free printable PDF explains the different fire classifications including classes A, B, C, D, F and Electrical.