Release notes

All the important updates from our development team on what's changed within the application and when. Subscribe by Email or RSS to be notified of future releases as they happen.

Release 20181101

  • Interface for mapping of CSV columns to fields during LMS user import via CSV
  • Various bug fixes

Release 20181024

  • Improved UI for LMS administrator access type and segment assignment
  • Various bug fixes

Release 20181013

  • Changes to how ‘archived’ results views work
  • Overhaul of logic behind ‘actions’ in the LMS (should now be more reliable)
  • Completion reminder emails are now sent for users who completed but failed
  • Addition of IP access restrictions which can be managed via the client LMS
  • Updated ‘settings’ UI in client LMS
  • Addition of ‘account’ area in client LMS
  • We now redirect to the previously requested URL after log-in (if present)
  • General improvements to application security
  • Various bug fixes

Release 20180913

  • Much improved LMS account recovery process

Release 20180713

  • Translated courses are now consolidated with their parents for a better user and client experience
  • Users can now ‘switch language preference’ from anywhere in the LMS (frontend)
  • More of the frontend LMS UI is now translated

Release 20180629

  • Course structure is cached using Redis for improved application performance
  • Client API requests are now rate limited based on IP/user agent and with a default value of 1000/hour

Release 20180618

  • Improved SCORM package communication which mitigates cross domain security issues
  • Clients can now toggle the ‘iHASCO eLearning Competition’ banner in the LMS
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20180612

  • Adjust ‘actual’ application minimum requirements to IE11 and up to match advertised requirements
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20180530

  • No plain text passwords in welcome emails anymore (We use one-click log-in links instead)

Release 20180524

  • GDPR adjustments

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