Release notes

All the important updates from our development team on what's changed within the application and when. Subscribe by Email or RSS to be notified of future releases as they happen.

Release 20190124

  • Addition of new feature to allow administrators to force ‘start new session’ for users on any course in the client LMS
  • Various bug fixes

Release 20190123

  • Improved UI for setting of course specific pass marks and training intervals in client LMS
  • Addition of setting to hide ‘Insights’ for LMS administrators without admin level access in client LMS

Release 20190120

  • Visual overhaul of settings screens

Release 20181228

  • Rename ‘Administrative users segments’ as ‘Organisational segments’ and relocate
  • Various bug fixes

Release 20181220

  • New look & feel for ‘Results overview’ in client LMS

Release 20181214

  • Revised results filter in client LMS inc ability to filter users/results by date range
  • Floating ‘actions’ panel in client LMS making it easier to act on users/results
  • Better user/results view pagination in client LMS (ajax load)
  • Failed status view in client LMS for results
  • ‘Resolve failures’ feature in client LMS results view
  • Addition of Events log CSV export feature in client LMS

Release 20181129

  • Addition of ‘Insights’ and events log to client LMS
  • Various bug fixes

Release 20181128

  • Complete overhaul of client LMS dashboard to include management summary, quick links etc
  • Various bug fixes

Release 20181108

  • Massively simplified LMS user import process with support for email only import
  • Various bug fixes

Release 20181102

  • New iHASCO branding applied within application, certificates, emails etc
  • Improved password complexity requirements

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