Release notes

All the important updates from our development team on what's changed within the application and when. Subscribe by Email or RSS to be notified of future releases as they happen.

Release 20200703

  • Addition of new DSE assessment module

Release 20200629.3

  • Documents & Policies can now be linked to Organisational Segments to allow better control over visibility

Release 20200612.3

  • Added tools in client LMS for dealing with bounced email addresses

Release 20200627

  • Allow setting of user language via bulk upload tool

Release 20200514

  • Improved interface for managing Organisational Segments

Release 20200506

  • Added facility to save notes against users in client LMS

Release 20200504

  • Enable free text training administrator contact details for more flexible email sign-off

Release 20191227

  • Roll out of new automated reminder emails to all clients
  • Various bug fixes

Release 20191219

  • Overhaul of bulk user management via CSV import
  • Improvements to user > course enrolment user interface
  • Various bug fixes

Release 20191028

  • Upgrade to VideoJS 7.x from 6.x
  • Significantly reduce time in which users can spam click ‘Next’ button when prevent skipping is enabled
  • Various bug fixes

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