Release notes

All the important updates from our development team on what's changed within the application and when. Subscribe by Email or RSS to be notified of future releases as they happen.

Release 20211027

  • Introduced a limit on bulk certificate downloads of 500 per request. More information in the Knowledge Base

Release 20210716

  • Changed the background colour of training views to a dark grey in order to improve contrast for visually impaired learners
  • Include a “Previous course ID” column in result export CSVs to indicate when results were migrated from a previous version of the course

Release 20210528.2

  • Provide feedback in LMS for clients with user based pricing

Release 20210520.2

  • Usability improvements to SSO configuration: display of Service Provider details in listing view; display temporary SSO login URL for admin users when in testing state
  • Enabling an SSO configuration automatically sets it as the default SSO configuration
  • Disabling all SSO configurations automatically enables a default login method (self-registration)

Release 20210514

Release 20210510

  • Improved user experience for ended sessions

Release 20210430

Updates to LMS reporting tools

  • Training results for courses not currently available to Learners moved to the “Archived” tab
  • Various refinements and bug fixes to search interface
  • Additional export options for course results
  • Added “Roles” column to user export

Release 20210423.2

  • Minor update to SCORM integration code

Release 20210412

  • Include user login events in LMS Insights

Release 20200326

  • Accessibility improvements to training delivery

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