Release notes

All the important updates from our development team on what's changed within the application and when. Subscribe by Email or RSS to be notified of future releases as they happen.

Release 20151105

  • Adds the ability to enable/disable refresh reminder emails for users. This facilitates use of the training interval feature ‘without’ refresh reminder emails being sent to users in the run up to their training interval.

Release 20151101

  • Removes support for legacy programmes (Director, Flash and Stub CD-ROMs)

Release 20151019

  • Adds the ability to duplicate custom email templates in the LMS

Release 20151003

  • Adds the ability to create, edit and delete custom email templates via the LMS.
  • Emails with fewer than or equal to 5 recipients are now processed immediately instead of being queued for delivery.
  • Email composition now supports the inclusion of dynamic user tags in the custom email template.

Release 20150928

  • Adds an open ‘Client API’ ( Contact your account manager if you require access.

Release 20150311

This release adds the following new features for resellers:

  • Improved white labelling; removes all traces of iHasco from the marketplace tab
  • Custom training suite and LMS domain name configuration, or you can use our own white label domain

For more information please contact your account manager at iHasco.

Release 20150209

  • Fixed an oversight in Release 20150203 whereby the Training Suite edit profile screen did not include the display of select field types for optional fields.
  • Temporarily removed asynchronous code used to check for Single Concurrent User License sessions which has been causing issues for clients with multiple SCUL programmes.

Release 20150203

This release adds the following new features to the Learning Management System and Training Suite:

  • Improved results export from the LMS - CSV exports from the LMS now correctly honor the selected tab and existing sort order. Previously ‘Export to CSV’ did not reflect the data visible in the current tab and also ignored any current result sort order.

  • Pre-determined registration field options - As an LMS user you can now specify pre-determined options for users to pick from when completing optional registration fields. There’s a new option to set a field as ‘Select’ type in the custom fields settings tab within the LMS. You can specify as many options as required on different lines and these are presented to the user registering through the Training Suite as a drop down select list.

This is useful if you want users to pick from a pre-determined list of ‘Departments’ or ‘Locations’ for example during registration rather than allow them to free type a department or location.

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