Release notes

All the important updates from our development team on what's changed within the application and when. Subscribe by Email or RSS to be notified of future releases as they happen.

Release 20170222

  • Migrates all v1 LMS accounts to v2 LMS accounts
  • Removes restriction on email address having to be unique across all LMS accounts

Release 20170107

  • Adds ‘Classroom Mode’ for clients with trainers licenses
  • Adds ‘Preview (Evaluation) Mode’ for LMS administrators
  • General housekeeping
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20160923

  • Switches primary video playback method from Flash to HTML5 Video
  • General housekeeping
  • Various bug fixes

Release 20160514

  • Course content can now be used within SCORM 1.2 or 2004 compliant third party systems
  • User welcome emails now send once after first log-in, not for every course commencement
  • General housekeeping
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20160423

  • Upgrade from JW Player 6.1.2 to JW Player 7.3.6 for improved video playback
  • Improved LMS navigation within ‘Account’ area
  • General housekeeping
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20160326

  • Course Passes - lets you distribute passes for ‘by assignment’ courses. Track usage, delete passes and revoke access granted by those passes
  • Enable/disable Self-registration - Prevents anyone with access via your training suite URL from accessing training unless they are an existing user which you have added/imported
  • Email Domain Lock - Prevents users from registering or logging in unless they have an email address matching the specified email domain
  • Simple Integration - Lets you bypass log-in registration when accessing the training suite and additionally provides the option of jumping directly to a course if used with Course Passes
  • Branding - If you pay for branding then you can now optionally manage this yourself via the LMS
  • API Request Log - Review their last 30 API requests which you’ve made via the LMS
  • General housekeeping
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20160226

  • Better handling of ‘archive/unarchive’ of users and results from a CSV import based update
  • Various other bug fixes, too numerous too mention

Release 20160204

  • Improvements to application security
  • Improvements to automated emails to include addition of debug data in headers

Release 20160106

  • Ability to update existing users (as well as adding new ones) through the LMS via a CSV file
  • Improved user interface within the LMS for performing actions on users and results
  • ‘Shift-Click’ to select multiple rows at once in both user and result views within the LMS
  • Send single users email via the LMS from their user profile screen instead of having to launch your email client
  • General improvements to application security
  • Various bug fixes

Release 20151130

  • Adds the ability to customise the content of automated user emails sent by the application.

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