Release notes

All the important updates from our development team on what's changed within the application and when. Subscribe by Email or RSS to be notified of future releases as they happen.

Release 20180131

  • LMS Admin Segments provide a means of giving LMS admins ‘restricted’ access
  • LMS now includes option to ‘disable’ unsubscribe links appended to automated emails
  • General housekeeping
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20171213

  • Consolidated results summary now more accurately reflects actual result status
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20171130

  • Consolidated results overview report now includes a programme title column
  • Automated emails now include an ‘unsubscribe’ link which archives a users training record
  • Company name field can now be disabled and defaults to off for new clients
  • Disabling company name or optional user profile fields in LMS now NULLifies user row values
  • General housekeeping
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20171109

  • Add ability to re-send LMS access details to admins
  • Key front end UI elements now match course language

Release 20171106

  • Adds ability for account owner to be CC’d on certain system generated emails to users
  • Ability to specify ‘administrator’ contact details for training suite via LMS (backend)
  • Options to toggle branding in LMS front end and on certs are gone and now ‘on’ by default
  • Certificate ref now includes user_id for easier debugging
  • General housekeeping
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20171031

  • Removes the ‘Risk Assessment Tool’, this now exists as a standalone app.
  • General housekeeping
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20171025

  • Improved access to ‘Settings’ in LMS back end
  • Reorganisation of ‘Settings’ screen in LMS back end
  • General housekeeping
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20171007

  • Complete overhaul of training suite and programme front end
  • Improved small screen compatibility
  • ‘Off Thread’ additional content for slides
  • ‘Review Mode’ following programme completion (7 day grace period)
  • Inline video playback on small screens
  • Option for clients to make videos mandatory (users cannot proceed until they’ve watched them in full)
  • Client branding which persists through the front end inc colour
  • Easier log-in and account recovery via application root using ‘Magic Log-in Links’
  • New ‘My Learning’ view with search and sorting
  • New ‘History/Certificates’ view showing all results and certificates
  • Keyboard shortcuts for common interactions within courses
  • Improved calculation and display of programme percentage complete
  • Improved programme session timer (also logs time spent on intro and test)
  • Overall learning completion status in training suite (is everything done?)
  • Seamless switching between front end backend of LMS for admin users
  • Alert users to changes in release in front and back end
  • Multi certificate downloads in client LMS
  • Vanity ‘Training Suite’ URLs
  • Log-in as LMS user from client LMS
  • Add administrator user label to API response for /users
  • Fixed bug whereby branch programmes erroneously included approvals/accreditations on certificates
  • Fatal errors now provide users with a link to the corresponding support article
  • ‘Global’ pass mark for new accounts now defaults to 60% as per IOSH recommendations

Release 20170514

  • Performance improvements
  • General housekeeping
  • Various Bug fixes

Release 20170430

  • Clients as users
  • Multiple LMS Admins
  • LMS Admin Access Levels
  • Improved LMS Marketplace/Library
  • LMS toggle to disable user certificate downloads
  • Added ‘refresh_reminder_sent’ and ‘completion_reminder_sent’ to LMS results export
  • General housekeeping
  • Various Bug fixes

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