Search Results

Found 59 results matching your search for 'Care Certificate'

  • The best Fire Awareness eLearning around? Our learners certainly think so… Posted 17 Mar 2022

    Fire Awareness Training is a legal requirement for ALL staff and should be refreshed regularly. Every employee in every company has to do it, but it doesn’t have to be boring, time-consuming, or expensive!

  • What is due diligence in food safety? Posted 21 Jul 2020

    It is crucial that food businesses can prove that they follow practices set out by food safety regulations by keeping records of their food safety system. By doing so, they can show due diligence, which…

  • Free download: A guide to recession proofing your business Posted 05 Oct 2022

    Our experts have put together a free-to-download guide that covers a number of key areas that must be addressed to help ensure that your business is in the best position possible now in preparation for…

  • Key skills required to work with vulnerable adults Posted 17 Mar 2022

    With the UK currently in a carer shortage that is set to worsen, the need for carers is at an all-time high. In fact, using ONS statistics, the think tank Global Future predicts England will have a shortfall…

  • Course Announcements for July Posted 16 Jul 2019

    Another month, another course! Well, another two courses, and very important ones for those working in the Care and Education Sector!

  • Download our free Health & Safety, HR and Compliance Essentials in Care White Paper today Posted 12 Mar 2020

    Each and every organisation that operates in the care sector has a responsibility to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of it’s workers and residents/patients.

  • Training Trends in Recent Weeks Posted 06 May 2020

    We’ve noticed that many organisations have been changing the way they train their employees and what courses they have been using, leading to some unfamiliar trends in the usage of our online courses.…

  • April and May Course Announcements Posted 30 Apr 2020

    April was a pretty busy month for us, in fact, we were so busy that we forgot to shout about our new April Course releases earlier in the month?! So, we're going to give you a 2 in 1 and shout about…

  • New course announcement: Equality & Diversity in Care Posted 20 Sep 2019

    We’re thrilled to announce that we have just released our Equality & Diversity in Care Training course, covering Standard 4 of the 15 Care Certificate standards!

  • Why are DBS checks important? Posted 14 Jun 2019

    A DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check is a background check on individuals to assess whether they are eligible to work with vulnerable people, such as children and vulnerable adults.

Man on headset in a call center

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