Search Results

Found 163 results matching your search for 'Mental Health & Wellbeing'

  • How our clients are using iHASCO to adapt to remote working Posted 02 Apr 2020

    These past couple of weeks have been strange and challenging to say the very least. Many people's lives have changed drastically and businesses across the world are having to adapt to remote working.

  • How practising mindfulness in the workplace can improve your wellbeing Posted 30 Jun 2021

    Mindfulness is a state of mind where you’re focused solely on what’s happening in the present moment. Here are some of the ways practising mindfulness in the workplace can improve your wellbeing

  • What is anxiety? Posted 08 Sep 2020

    Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, and the symptoms range from mild to severe. Some people can become anxious after a specific, identifiable event, such as a trauma. But anxiety can…

  • Top tips to boost your wellbeing this winter Posted 02 Nov 2021

    It’s easy to feel glum and to forget to take moments to enjoy all the good that is going on around you in the winter months. Amanda - one of iHASCO’s Mental Health First Aiders -…

  • 4 important new titles released! Posted 13 Mar 2019

    In both January and February we released 3 new courses - well, this March we have outdone ourselves by launching 4 new courses! The importance of these four courses can be crucial to the safety and wellbeing

  • Blue Monday? Let's be more positive with Brew Monday! Posted 16 Jan 2023

    …Here at iHasco, we are committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our employees and are putting a positive twist on the day with the Samaritans' Brew…

  • iHASCO offers free training to all key workers across the UK Posted 17 Apr 2020

    iHASCO have been added to the COVID-19 support catalogue, put together by the Crown Commercial Service.

  • What is work-related stress? Posted 10 Apr 2024

    Work-related stress is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or demands placed on them at work. Did you know that 17.1 million working days are lost each year in the UK because of work-related…

  • Top 10 tips to deal with anxiety at work Posted 16 Jun 2021

    Everyone can experience work anxiety from time to time, even if they love their job! If your anxiety levels are beginning to rise at work, try out these top 10 coping strategies to stop anxiety taking…

  • Out of sight should not mean out of mind - the risks associated with lone working Posted 22 Nov 2019

    …poses. They have a legal responsibility to ensure the Health & Safety of all employees, including lone workers, and consider all risks are minimised as far as is reasonably practicable.

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