Working at Height Training, Page 23 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.7

3281 reviews

  • 83% 5
  • 11% 4
  • 4% 3
  • 1% 2
  • 2% 1
Covers all relevant aspects

No summary provided

I found this very interesting

It was good to be reminded of some of the key points

Very good course

No summary provided

Very informative.

No summary provided

Very good

Covered all the major points.

Pretty thorough overview

Basic important information given in an everyday is a school day manner. Very useful tool which I will utilise.

Good & helping me too now more.

very good

very good course for ensure safety

No summary provided

Very Good

No summary provided


Work at height training is an essential process for the safety and efficiency of working at height. This training gives workers the knowledge and skills to handle working at height, minimizing the risk of accidents and ensuring safety standards are met.During training, workers are familiarized with the specific equipment used in work at height, such as safety belts, work chairs or access platforms. They learn how to use them correctly and safely, as well as how to check them regularly to make sure they are in good working order.Also, working at height training includes aspects related to planning and organizing work. Workers learn how to assess the risks associated with working at height and identify necessary precautions. They are also trained in safe climbing and abseiling techniques, as well as first aid in the event of accidents.Another important aspect of working at height training is to make workers aware of the risk factors specific to this type of activity. They learn to recognize signs of fatigue or exhaustion and understand the importance of taking regular rest breaks.In conclusion, working at height training is essential to ensure the safety and efficiency of workers in activities carried out at height. By acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills, workers become able to work safely and avoid accidents, thereby helping to increase productivity and protect their lives and health.


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