Unconscious Bias Training for Management, Page 53 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

705 reviews

  • 74% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 2% 1
Very informative

Found the course very eye opening, it made me realise to look at each situation differently and with an open approach

Fantastic training

Excellent tool and platform. Thoroughly enjoyed it and not too time consuming . I got 90% !!!! Whohoooo!! Thanks IHASCO and also a very competitive fee.

Well Structured and a nice content

1. Excellently structured. 2. The various biases were an eye opener. 3. The acronym "ACT" summed up the whole course nicely.

quit interestin to hea of how man types

Quite neatly presented

Very informative and engaging

The use of short videos made the information much easier to digest and the information was very cleary explained.


No summary provided

Interesting and thought provoking

Food for thought - some biases seem to me to be useful, but apparently not, while others seem blindingly obviously detrimental. But if you can rationalise them then they aren't irrational! Still, I suppose I don't have to agree with everything as we need to encourage diversity.

Good introduction to bias.

I do think that the "gender bias" bits should be updated as I don't think it's very inclusive to talk about two genders as people who identify as non-binary might find this upsetting and also uses stereotypes in the depiction of the "woman" with a skirt.

Good for encouraging self-awareness

Encourages self-awareness and questioning, which are positive; later on, when it comes to recruitment best-practice, I fear this training may encourage decisions which cement rather than work to eradicate institutional bias and conformity - particularly where it refers to not considering background. Candidate X may have a better degree and more impressive experience than candidate Y, but the training implies it would not be legitimate to consider other factors such as whether Y was a care leaver, or X was privately educated, for example.

Easy to follow and understand.

No summary provided


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