Unconscious Bias Training for Management, Page 48 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

705 reviews

  • 74% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 2% 1
Interesting but not always relevant

Some of the content was interesting and thought provoking (the different types of unconscious bias, for example) but the scenarios used were less relevant for the particular focus of our CPD. The purpose of the training was to get us to consider unconscious bias with regard to exam marking, so it would have been useful to link the discussion more explicitly to an education setting, I appreciate that probably wasn't the intended focus of this session, though!

excellent training

something all managers should completen

clear and concise

No summary provided

Very clear

Very interesting , well structured, the host spoke very clear and was pleasant to listen and look at

A real eye opener!

Really enjoyed this training. It has made me aware of the different types of bias and to question myself about anything that is or feels different to me. To acknowledge and challenge any unconscious bias that I may have and train my mind to not make snap judgements and to embrace change and difference.

Opened my eyes to lots of good ideas.

It was a lot more interesting and I'd say important than I thought it might be. I'd recommend it to anyone. I'm glad I've done it.

I like the clear information

Clear information. Resources to support.

Clearly delivered

Course provided a clear run through of the key requirements.The spinning faces at one stage was not good on the eyes. Is there a better way this part could be done than spinning?


Although do like courses, it does seem like this one was very basic and repetitive and was eager just to finish. it would be better if shorter or had additional information and links etc to maybe equality and diversity, HR, ACAS - what happens when mistakes are made, conflicts especially as it is aimed at managers.

Enagaging and thought provoking

No summary provided


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