Unconscious Bias Training for Management, Page 45 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

705 reviews

  • 74% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 2% 1
Useful reminders

I thought this was valuable but would want to flag the question that suggests we shouldn't use past experiences to make future decisions. I know that you are suggesting we should use evidence ..... of course .... but often evidence isn't fully available for everything.There are plenty of scientific papers to say that using past experiences to make judgments is essential - this happens in sport and business all of the time. I think you need to improve the framing of the question.

great eye opener

No summary provided

excellent course

Very well presented course.

very basic light-touch training

Completing this training would only serve as a tick box exercise as it doesn’t do deep enough to cover cultural competences, ways to identify bias, why we have bias, how to challenge ect. The test was very simple and I don’t feel that I needed to do the course to take the test, very rudimentary - sorry !!

Brand new area and stimulating course

Will be able to implement as a manager

Great training!

The training was easy to understand and very thought provoking. It has supported the whole staff team to challenge their views and opinions and creates a space to enable our unconscious to become conscious, reflect on our bias and challenge them. A much needed training which supports Islington's systemic change to race equality.

Really interesting

I enjoyed the course and learnt a lot

Very Informative

Certainly makes you question your thought process!

Unconscious bias is everywhere

A reminder that unconscious bias permeates every area of our lives. The managers course gave a useful insight into how unconscious bias could influence recruitment, performance reviews and promotion opportunities and the pitfalls that must be avoided

Informative and challenging my mindset

No summary provided


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