Unconscious Bias Training for Management, Page 3 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

705 reviews

  • 74% 5
  • 16% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 3% 2
  • 2% 1
Very useful

Great format

Excellent presentation

Simply presented but effective and thought provoking. I am familiar with unconscious bias training and consider myself to be someone who is fair and aware, but this training hit the mark as a reminder of the need to continually challenge my thinking and question my actions.

Easy to follow

No summary provided

Easy to follow and understand

No summary provided

have a good day i worked hard

Unconscious Bias Training for Management'


gave insights to elements didnt realise we had

Excellent course, very clear

No summary provided

Interesting, helpful & well presented

I had already given this some thought because I am aware of my past failings in this area. Even so, there were some new ideas in this course that were interesting and useful for me. I think I will be a more open person now and more inclined to look only at the facts. I will certainly anonymise application forms and structure interviews where I can. I thought the test was a little easy but maybe because the course had done its work? The presenter was brilliant; I now have a very favourable bias towards women of her colour with an armful of tattoos (joke, just in case you were in doubt))

Interesting, helpful, very well presente

I had already given this some thought because I am aware of my past failings in this area. Even so, there were some new ideas in this course that were interesting and useful for me. I think I will be a more open person now and more inclined to look only at the facts. I will certainly anonymise application forms and structure interviews where I can. I thought the test was a little easy but maybe because the course had done its work? The presenter was brilliant; I now have a very favourable bias towards women of her colour with an armful of tattoos (joke, just in case you were in doubt))


need to be able to skip through to the test. I recieved no new knoweldge from the training and could of passed the test without it.


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