Unconscious Bias Training, Page 74 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

2403 reviews

  • 77% 5
  • 13% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Well presented and to the point

Helpful examples included

Thought provoking

Course was very informative and made you stop and think and learn from it

Informative content

No summary provided

Thought provoking

Awesome, make me self reflect, consider my patterns of thinking and taught me about ACT.

No Stars!

What Rubbish, never had bias, I don't judge others and only deal in facts. Most of what I heard in this course was assuming that I am biased or that I judge others, consciously or otherwise, utter rubbish.

Best way to test ourselves.

No summary provided


I love the inclusion of practical exercises to showcase how bias influences us and just how normal / common it is.

Interesting, kept me engaged

No summary provided

Nothing new

I did not feel knew information was provided. It should be obvious to people that what they think about something or someone they don't know is from a past experience or story. There wasn't really any examples provided on how to move past. ACT - but what and how do you challenge? Should you put yourself in uncomfortable spots to learn a lesson, what questions do you or can you ask? How to train yourself? For example if I am in a dark alley, lights flickering and horror music playing i don't care what a person looks or sounds like i am still scared. It isn't always about the person, but the current situation that may also dictate thoughts and behaviors. I didnt see anything addressing things like this.


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