Unconscious Bias Training, Page 223 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

2401 reviews

  • 77% 5
  • 13% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
quick, clear, informative

This is a quick and easy course, with basic information presented in a clear and straight forward way. The participants are awarded certificates at the end after passing a quick multiple choice test. If I was to add anything it would be more examples of everyday biases in a form of video schetches. Thank you.

A well explained course, with no jargon.

At first, I thought that this subject was just part of Equal Opportunities, as I did not know Unconscious Bias as a separate issue. Everything was explained fully and confidently by experts. This explained that there is discrimination, which is not apparent, until we look at it as being an individuals views and opinions about who to favour in the jobs market and who is not getting the recognition they deserve.

Great training

Good explanation and very detailed with clarity

covers basics very well. where next?

No summary provided

Really interesting training

This training was totally engaging and challenging. I enjoyed hearing the information given and accepting the challenges it raised.

thought provoking.

An enjoyable piece of training which can help you change your approach towards how you work with colleagues and service users/customer base.

I do suffer from unconscious bias

This training video did make me appreciate that I do suffer from unconscious bias and was useful from that point of view.

Great course

I thoroughly enjoyed taking this course and it really made me think about the way that I may make assumptions about people without even knowing. It will really make me think about things when I am at work or in new unfamiliar settings.

Really enjoyed

really enjoyed this course and would love to do more. We all make judgements and react accordingly..it's a shame when it is negative. I would recommend this as a mandatory course!

unconsciously good

Really good refresher and also a good way to check that I havent got any bias


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