Unconscious Bias Training, Page 156 Reviews

We ask our users to rate and review our course immediately after they've completed their training. Here's what people are saying...


Average score 4.6

2403 reviews

  • 77% 5
  • 13% 4
  • 5% 3
  • 2% 2
  • 3% 1
Made me think!

Excellent and really made me think about my own behaviour and thoughts. Very well presented and about the right length.Thanks

Interesting to review how the mind works

No summary provided

woke bullshit

The thought police are taking over. No one has any right to tell anyone else how or what to think. Big Brother is watching. Scary stuff.

Poor content

Examples didn't relate to content

Interesting and informative.

The training was thought provoking and addressed an important topic. It provided valuable information about the subject and, importantly, steps that we can take in order to address the subject.

Pretty good

A good start in learning how to combat bias.However, the fact that "preference for one gender over the other" was said did jar slightly. Gender is not binary... It should be "preference for one gender over others"

The course was interesting.

The course was very interesting and makes you reflect on your practice.

Very good and thought provoking.

No summary provided


Yes a definate eye opener test questions made me think. Not as easy as i thought it would be

Not sure about this one

Most of the iHasco courses have been good but this one could be better. I have done a fair amount of Unconscious Bias training and I am not convinced the teaching was accurate. Unconscious bias is not just based on (negative) past experience, but more commonly based on no or limited experience. There are also ways of limiting unconscious bias which were not mentioned. For example, following policies and not making snap judgements. However, the use of pictures and voices was good and allowed the viewer to assess their own reaction.


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